How to care for your tulips

Taking care of fresh cut tulips is important to ensure they last as long as possible. Here is a guide on how to do it:

Prepare the water: Fill a vase with lukewarm water and add a floral preservative or a drop of bleach to help prevent bacteria growth. This will help extend the life of the tulips.

  1. Trim the stems: Cut the tulip stems at an angle, removing any leaves that will be below the water line. This helps the stems take up water more easily.

  2. Arrange the tulips: Place the tulips in the vase, adjusting the stems as needed to create a balanced and attractive arrangement.

  3. Place the tulips in a cool location: Tulips prefer cooler temperatures, so avoid placing them near windows, heat sources, or direct sunlight.

  4. Change the water: Change the water every 2-3 days, or whenever it becomes cloudy, to keep the flowers fresh.

  5. Keep an eye on the flowers: Check the tulips daily and remove any that have started to wilt or discolor.

By following these steps, you can enjoy your fresh cut tulips for a longer period of time.

from $120.00

For maximum enjoyment:

  • Put the flowers in cold water as soon as possible.

  • Give the bottom of the tulips a fresh cut at 45 degrees.

  • Change water regularly.

  • Ideal home environment temperature for tulips is 40-70 degrees.

Learn more about Brooklyn Flower Shop.


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